Thursday, May 20, 2010


FLOOD-proof furniture that will help people safeguard vital documents has been designed by a Coventry University student.

For his final year project, Peter Miller has created a set of sofas that are able to rise 1.5metres above the ground and have water-tight compartments.

The sofa has been designed with special drawers built under a panel of the sofa that can be used to store paperwork and electrical goods.

Peter, a final year industrial product design student, said: “The seats of the sofa also fold down creating more space for items, maybe even as large as a television, to be stored.

“It also rises 1.5metres above the ground if the flood levels are increasing in the house to keep the sofa dry.”

Peter, from Leamington, has been working on the design since September last year and will be displaying a prototype of the furniture at a university show next month.

The 22-year-old said the idea for the design first came about when he was asked to do a research project.

“Every year we see on the news that in certain parts of the UK flooding is a recurring problem. There are some households in the UK that are still trying to get their homes back in order since the last floods,” he said.

“So when we did our research project, flooding was a big issue and I decided to theme my final year work on that.

“With five million households at risk from flooding, the furniture in our homes should have some practical element and the furniture I have produced will be able to protect items which would have previously perished in the floods from water damage.”

Peter’s work will be on show as part of the Coventry School of Art and Design Degree Show from June 5 to June 11 in the Maurice Foss building between 10am and 5pm.

Admission is free and open to the public.

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